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We love our bread. We love our butter. But most of all, we love each other!

Life is about watching trees billow in the breeze and warm bread paired with pats of butter and holding hands and swaying hands and being surrounded by beautiful shades of blue and green and being in a car and watching the world scroll by past you and how it continues to do so even when you're at a red light. Life is about sitting in wooden chairs and watching old lovers waltz and seeing babies with blush-stained cheeks play and grow before you and seeing neighbors and coworkers live their life through the peripheral of yours. It's about going through hell and sifting through chaos to find that your heart remains warm and beating and life is everything and nothing all at once. Life is pretending and building and breaking and turning. Life is knowing and unknowing. Life is your fingers tracing, your mother's wisdom, and the grace of chaos left to humble you after everything else tides over. Life is re-reading the same page over and over until you doze off and feeling like ru...

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Seoul -- May 2023 ☮