

2016 wasn't really my cup of tea. It was more like a cup of spoiled milk. It was rotten, made me sick, made me hate milk. But it also made me realize that I need to take better care of myself and learn how to read the expiration date.

Then again, I always set up high expectations for myself. I really need to stop doing that (No, not a resolution).  I reread my 2016 version of this post the other day + felt kinda bad that I had such high hopes that were probably the result of being at such a high altitude that day. Luckily this time around, I'm at home, warm and lazy and all. After my first semester at college, I realize I need room to grow. I can't help but feel overwhelmed and responsible to get out at every opportunity lying out there, but I also know that there's time - time for me and for living the way that I want to.

Things I learned in 2015:
- Commute time in Los Angeles = 30 minutes to an hour in advance no matter how close you think you may be.
- Korean skincare is that bitch. Sheet masks are slimy, but I love them. (There's something valuable in that lol.)
- That record player you bought two? three? years ago is pretty pretentious, but might as well build a nice collection.
- Wear more color..... pretend that you do....act like you do
- Work hard for yourself, leave as little debt as possible, be it financially or emotionally.
- Treat your anger/sadness/fear/jealousy as a lesson, not a punishment.
- Fill yourself with love + the world will show it in return.

+ Obligatory end of the year playlist:


Happy New Year! More to come.
